Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Chapter 1: What is the Highmind?

Tricky one.

Let us begin at the first encounter our protagonist had with the self proclaimed one,
At about five or six days ago.

Our Protagonist begins to take out some milk at exacly 4.00 PM, an hour before the mystical attacker comes and kidnaps her.

From here I and the master split and the story is torn into two pieces.
My part first thought.

The father calls the phone at about 5.74 PM and no one answers.
He quickly figures out that shes not there after about five tries.

Thats when I notice him parking in the middle of the road and hurrying to the door.
He knows that she shouldnt be gone, and that she would tell him if she left.

He then begins to get to the car and drive with teary eyes.

And then there is what master happened to see.
At first the car went towards a lake, and master saw that there was something unusual there.
A dome. A glass dome that covered the whole island (or whatever its called when its in the middle of a lake) that had been open before.

Now the kidnaper, "Highmind", got to a boat that he has prepared before, according to master, and got to the island.

And then master was blocked out of the dome.
But he will be seeing him soon.

End of chapter 1, Question is not answered yet thought.

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