Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Chapter 2: The Judging Eye

Master Decided to take me with him on watching a victim of "The Eye", and I decided to write it down.

At about 13.04 PM our protagonist, Jeremy Chiel, a frecuent chatter, handlename is unknown, decided to kill his own neighbour.
This is at about when I and master arrived.
When we arrived our protagonist decided to get rid of all evidece pointing to him.
At 14.07 PM he ran back into his house.
Motive is quite wierd, but originated at the internet, as Jeremy was discussing the attacks in Norway, in which his old girlfriend was a victim.
Knowing his neighbour's handlename on the internet, who had recently told him to forget about it, decided to kill him.
Jeremy's mental state is very fragile and is rising against insanity.
As such this supports the motive and adds to overreaction of the comment.

I will keep adding to this chapter about Jeremy's battle against "The Eye".

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